0866-2472209 nirmalavja@yahoo.in


Managing Committee

The managing committee has the authority to manage the affairs of the Institution and responsible for the proper running of the Institution, under the supervision and control of the Governing Body.

The Managing Committee includes

1. President – Provincial Superior

Provincial superior with the consultation of the Governing body makes the appointment of the members of the managing committee. Gives timely advice, support and guidelines for the smooth running of the Institution. Periodically visits the school to assess the growth and its function

2.Vice President – Superior / Correspondent

Superior is the animator and Prime Person responsible for the life activities and goods of the institution. She Promotes Unity among the members engaged in the educational activity and ensures their active participation.

Correspondent is responsible for all official correspondence with the Government in financial and administrative matters. She is the appointing authority of teaching and non-teaching staff.

3. Head of the Institution – Headmistress/ Principal

Should be a person, having sound, moral and evangelical Principles. She is in-charge of day to day administration of the school. She plans, supervises and co-ordinates the academic and co-curricular activities of the school, Keeping in mind the all-round development of the student instead of mere academic achievements.

4. Councillor in charge of Education

Forms an inspection committee and goes for the inspection of the schools

5.Vice – Principal:

In the absence of the Principal, the Vice Principal will take the place of Principal. Assists the Principal in carring out the responsibilities such as: maintenance of discipline, supervision of examination, Takes care of the faith formation and spiritual needs of the students.

6.Primary In charge:

She is responsible for the smooth functioning of Primary. She Consults the Principal and acts according to the advice of the Principal.

7.Nursery In charge:

She is responsible for taking care of tiny tots. She, along with the nursery staff looks into the welfare of the students with the consultation of the Principal.

8.Office Superintendent:

It is a very responsible post. She should keep herself informed of the changes that are being effected in the education department regarding pay scales, other financial matters and Government orders. She registers the letters received from the Government or Head of the Department and puts up to the Head of the institution for necessary orders