0866-2472209 nirmalavja@yahoo.in

Activity Room

Leadership Programs:

Smart Leaders believe only half of what they hear. Discerning leaders know which half to believe. Developing this leadership skill is now the necessity of the nation. We in NHS conduct excellent leadership camps and sessions both for students and teachers, which definitely aim at enhancing the quality of living of a person. (Photos)

Association Programmes:

We in Nirmala High School have a well planned association program, designed specially for the students of each class, to cater to their physical and mental needs which direct them to overcome inhibitions in public speaking and also to appreciate others. All the students of a class, irrespective of their sections, gather together in these programs, children themselves organize them and teachers as a panel evaluate their performance and guide them wherever necessary. (Photos)


To develop spontaneity, accuracy and concentration levels of the students, we at NHS have regular sessions of quiz and these quiz programs help the students to update themselves in current affairs and grow beyond the bookish knowledge. (Photos)

Science Exhibitions:

Science exhibitions form a good platform for the display of all science activities. We at NHS make science popular, interesting and useful. Because of organizing these exhibitions every now and then, our children are greatly inspired and encouraged, as they now know to plan and execute. (Photos)

Young Students Movement (YSM):

Our High School students voluntarily join the YSM, where a team of our teachers provide them with a variety of learning experiences and that increases their sense of responsibility. It was started in the year 2010. (Photos)